my name is
I'm a psychological
& Holistic Sex Coach
Hola I’m Patrizia and I’m a psychological & holistic sex coach.
I love sex and everything that comes with it.
We all have sex (some more than others) – but it always seems like an uncomfortable topic.
But who said it has to be like that? It’s as normal as eating, breathing and sleeping.
So many studies have shown that our sex life has a big impact on our physical and mental health.
So why are we so ashamed and afraid of this topic? Why are we even scared to let our partners know what we want?
That’s why I’m here, to help you overcome your fears, societal standards, religious beliefs, and old patterns that aren’t aligned with your true self.
I believe we’re ever-evolving around the topic and our likes and dislikes change with time.
And guess what?
There isn’t a rule book – we can make our own rules and build relationships and our sexuality around our imagination, as long as we don’t hurt people (unless they like it) or force people into our likings.
No coaching is like the other, every coaching is individually tailored around your needs in a holistic approach because it all starts with knowing your body.
Sex is not just a natural act; it’s a skill that can be learned and nurtured with practice and understanding.
Sexually yours, Patrizia.